Thursday, August 7


3 in-progress paintings stand in the corner neglected as I continue the business end of my summer venture. Don't you feel sorry for me?

Oh well anyway, I have some interesting data for you. I found that Google Analytics will track what countries my visitors are from. Since beginning my blog in May I have:
  • Over a thousand visits from 18 countries including 32 states. That is almost as many states as Dishwasher Pete washed dishes in! Look out Pete, here I come!
  • So the winning state was Ohio with 18 cities.
  • Winning city [WOOHOO!] Troy with 315 visits!
  • Avg time on site was 6.5 minutes!
WIOW what a nice birthday present for a Leo... to know that peeps like me!
Thanks everybody and don't forget Christmas is around the corner so keep coming back!
You really don't want to see me do my pouting Leo thing.
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  1. Anonymous8/07/2008

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

  2. Haha!

    Happy Birthday Suzy!

  3. You are just too cute to be ???? how old are you? Just kidding, you don't have to tell! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE LEO ARTIST!

  4. Hey I am proud to be alive! I am 55!
    WooHoo for me!
    xoxox and thanks everyone for the best birthday a leo ever had!
