Monday, March 16

iScream for iMac!

Greetings on this fine springy day! Have been getting to know my new iMac & dissing myself for not converting sooner. I decided to test out a different website creator called Sandvox for Mac. Ohmygoodness. Sweet! & WAYYYY more affordable than Dreamweaver! I am considering using it to revamp not only my website, but my blog and all of Harry's web & blog as well.

I'm ALSO in the midst of switching web servers. I think I found a sweet little owner operated biz. He sends me personal emails in response to my questions. As soon as I make sure he is PERFECT I will recommend.

Harry is here in Ohio and painting in the studio. He has a new painting that is dreamier than dreams & I'll post when I feel like it.

Go for a walk or something and enjoy your weather.
Talk to ya later!

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