Tuesday, July 1

When the Cat's Away...

Monsieur Noir avec Yarrow
12 x 12"
oil on canvas panel

OK now you will really think I'm crazy. Look at all these different styles. Or maybe it is just a case of the cat's away. The cat being the shoulds. I went straight from doing Holly Hobby cutsey drawings in high school to art school where angst and intellectualism reigned. Maybe what I am going thru now is a sort of retroactive growing up thru the stages from Holly Hobby to something else, whatever that will end up being. I don't know. I am feeling very teeneaged artwise.
So rebellious feeling I don't even feel like writing about it...
Bahhhhh hahahahahaha!
So enjoy the paintings. Oh and, yes, Monsieur Noir refused to even pretend to go to Giverny this time. Rebellion is in the air!


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