Tuesday, May 27

Narratives and Other Nonos

Doodles with a Mister Black Painting


As I am getting deeper into painting, and taking longer to finish, so my thoughts are maybe not deeper [haha] but definitely taking longer to express. If you are tired of reading my blogs, I excuse you to leave the table now, however those of you who wish to stay may do so. Sounds threatening, doesn't it? Are you scared? Haha I love this. I can say whatever I want to say and not worry. No wait maybe I should worry. How many peeps actually read this thing anyway? OK let's try something. If you read this blog, usually, all the way thru, or most of the way thru, or at all, then leave a comment below. Anyone want to take bets? I am really setting myself up to be embarrassed, huh? Oh well what else is new. Welcome to Leo World!

So anyway the photo you see here: I had this in-progress painting of Mister Black propped on the easel in my office/painting room. As I looked thru the hallway I saw Doodle sitting in the window behind the easel. The perspective created this little narrative that I will let you write for yourself. It has too much of a story to be something I want to paint but I do like the gesture potential in Doodle. [The cat in the window]

I went to the nursery yesterday and got a lot of really great resource photos for future paintings. I can't keep delicate ferns alive for more than a week so I have to outsource them. There were these fragile lacy maidenhair ferns and I caught them on my cam & brought them home. They will take forever to paint around all the little dips & fronds & doodley-doos but I think it will be worth it and I am learning something in the process. I'll tell you when I figure out what it is.

Now please go buy a painting @ Etsy; It's time for me to get back to painting!


  1. Anonymous5/27/2008

    This is not what popped up before...oh well, anyway. I love the way you use positive and negative space in a reversal way. You have to really look at the shapes and of course I love the patterns.

  2. Hey Suzy. I'm a fan :)

  3. Anonymous5/29/2008

    I like the paintings! especially May 22 =)

  4. Anonymous7/05/2008

    Love the work and the blog!
